
It's been a while

It seems this year has quickly slipped through my fingers. So much school, so little time with my friends and family. I've missed so many precious moments with my family, it physically makes me sick. I pray each time I open my textbooks that it will all be worth it in the end. That the work, worry and time spent with my nose stuck inside a book will pay off with holidays and weekends off, time at home in the evenings to enjoy my husband, dogs and hopefully someday children. It will be worth it right?
So it's my favorite time of year and the trees have been absolutely beautiful this year! It makes me smile to see God's beauty in the reds, golds, greens, browns, yellows and oranges that surround us. It's amazing how well God knows us, probably better than we know ourselves. As stressful as this semester has been, things that probably shouldn't have worked out, have; and things that probably should have worked out that didn't, did so for very good reasons. I'm reminded each day how precious life is and that only God can give that to us.
Tonight is Halloween and I'm ready to pass out loads of candy to kiddos! It's about to start getting dark, so I had better go get the candy ready! I hope everyone has a happy and safe Halloween!